Minggu, 08 Februari 2015


Guys, i had new task (again). My teacher gave the task that we have to make an advertisement and also draw it on a paper. And she said, she didn't order us to add some picture on our paper, but she just wanna know how us presentate it in front of class. Okeey Mrs.:)
To be honest, I didn't have any idea for what should I draw or I write on my paper. So I just made an advertisement about English Course yeaaay! Taraaa...
That is my paper, colorfull right? 

Exactly, study was a bored-thing or the other bad-else thing especially in exact sciences lesson for some people. But i sure every lesson isn't bored included English, you just be enjoyable - have fun - loved it. Something we started with love will be fun and remembered as long as you live.
Quotes of The Day :
"Don't consider ourselves not be able to before trying, learning, and practice."

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